Get rid of dimpled skin here at Holden Timeless Beauty. Cellulite is like a plague on our bodies, and let’s face it, the options for treating it are limited. However, here at HTB, we’re happy to provide you with our EMTONE® solution.
EMTONE® is the first and only device that uses both thermal and mechanical energy to treat cellulite. It’s powerful, non-invasive, and boasts a 90% customer satisfaction rating. At HTB, we offer only the best treatments to help our clients reach their beauty goals. Get in touch today and schedule an appointment at one of our California locations.

How Does Cellulite Occur?
Cellulite is a tricky problem because we don’t know exactly what causes it. At best, a link has been found between the connective tissue below our skin and the layer of fat underneath it. In women, fat cells and connective tissue in this layer are arranged vertically. In men, this tissue has a criss-cross structure.
Fat cells are more likely to protrude into the layer of skin in women. This gives skin that characteristic dimpled appearance. Since this tissue is arranged differently in men, they are less likely to struggle with cellulite.
What Are the Signs?
The most obvious sign of cellulite is the appearance of dimpled and bumpy skin. This problem is common around the buttocks and thighs but can also be found on the breasts, lower abdomen, and upper arms as well. While it’s not harmful, the appearance of this skin texture can make some people feel self-conscious. If this is the case for you, we welcome you to give EMTONE® a try.
Try EMTONE® for Cellulite Here at HTB
EMTONE® treatments are non-invasive, relying on a combination of radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy to eliminate cellulite. These treatments have been described as feeling similar to hot stone massages with intense mechanical vibrations.
When you arrive for your session, it will be performed in a relaxing lying-down position. Most people need about four treatments scheduled once or twice a week to see optimal results. A treatment typically takes about 20 minutes, depending on the treated area. There is no downtime needed after an EMTONE® session.
Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite Here in California
Eliminate cellulite today in the comfort of one of our HTB offices! Our EMTONE® treatments feel relaxing and are made to give you the smooth, gorgeous skin you deserve. Click on the link below to find your nearest HTB location. For questions and booking over the phone, give us a call at (760) 274-3160.