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Woman with acne touching a pimple on her face


We provide HydraFacial® and Sylfirm X RF Microneedling treatments for those struggling with acne.

Woman with acne scars on her face looking in the mirror

Acne Scars

We provide chemical peels, microneedling, fillers, and more for treating acne scars.

Woman dealing with depression

Anxiety & Depression

We offer IV therapy for anxiety and depression.

Cellulite on a woman's leg


We provide EMTONE® treatments to reduce cellulite and improve your look.

Older woman with crepey skin

Crepey Skin

We offer chemical peels, Sylfirm X RF microneedling, and other options for improving crepey skin.

Woman with crow's feet around her eyes

Crow’s Feet

We use BOTOX® Cosmetic to address crow’s feet and other wrinkles.

Woman's chin and neck area

Double Chin

Eliminate your double chin with our liquid liposuction Kybella® injections.

Excess fat on a person's body

Excess Fat

Address excess fat and stubborn fat pockets here at HTB. We offer EMSCULPT NEO®, medical weight loss, and more.

Woman with urinary incontinence standing next to the toilet

Female Incontinence

We offer non-invasive, no downtime EMSELLA® treatments for female incontinence.

Woman experiencing good female sexual health

Female Sexual Health

Our EMSELLA® treatments improve pelvic floor strength and ease female sexual health issues.

Woman with fine lines on her face

Fine Lines

We offer treatments like chemical peels and Hydrafacial® for wrinkles and fine lines.

Forehead wrinkles

Forehead Wrinkles

We provide BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal filler options for addressing forehead wrinkles.

Frown lines on a woman's face

Frown Lines

We offer BOTOX® Cosmetic injections to ease frown lines and other facial wrinkles.

Woman treating her large pores

Large Pores

We provide microneedling, HydraFacial®, and chemical peel solutions for large pores.

Melasma on woman's face


We provide chemical peels and Sylfirm X RF Microneedling for dark spots caused by melasma.

Muscle loss on a man's body

Muscle Loss

We offer EMSCULPT® and EMSCULPT NEO® to help prevent muscle loss.

Woman with rosacea


We provide Photofacial and Sylfirm X RF Microneedling treatments for rosacea.

Woman with skin dryness

Skin Dryness

We provide the HydraFacial® for the treatment of skin dryness.

Woman's legs, free of spider veins

Spider Veins

We provide non-invasive laser treatments for spider veins here at HTB.

Woman's stretch marks

Stretch Marks

We offer Rejuvapen and Sylfirm X RF microneedling solutions to eliminate stretch marks.

Woman applying sunscreen to her shoulder

Sun Damage

We offer chemical peels, microneedling, CO2 laser treatments, and more to address sun damage.

Woman with thin eyelashes

Thin Eyelashes

Our Latisse formula can improve the length and girth of thin eyelashes.

Woman with thin lips

Thin Lips

We provide lip enhancement using dermal fillers for those struggling with thin lips.

Woman with an uneven skin tone

Uneven Skin Tone

We offer microneedling, laser, chemical peel treatments, and more for uneven skin tone issues.

Woman's legs

Unwanted Hair

We offer laser hair removal treatments for the reduction of unwanted hair.

Woman looking at her wrinkles in the mirror


We offer several options for reducing wrinkles including BOTOX® Cosmetic and chemical peels.


Request Appointment

Be beautiful, stay beautiful here at HTB Aesthetics. Fill out and submit the appointment form below to schedule your appointment. You can also reach us by dialing (760) 274-3160.

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