Don’t let redness and irritation cloud your beauty. If you’ve been struggling with rosacea, our team at Holden Timeless Beauty has just what you need to feel better. A simple Photofacial or microneedling session is all it takes to give you the skin you’ve been dreaming of.
Treating redness with an inexpensive over-the-counter cream can be tempting; we get it! But, applying a daily cream is hardly a substitute for professional treatment. Our treatments deliver long-lasting results without downtime – something a supermarket cream simply can’t match. Learn more by scheduling your appointment at an HTB location near you.

What Causes Rosacea?
Rosacea happens when a person’s immune system is altered due to an overproduction of cathelicidin peptide protein. When a lot of this protein is produced, skin redness and inflammation are soon to follow. This immune response may be triggered by genetic, environmental, or a combination of both factors. Rosacea is a multi-factored skin condition, and therefore it’s hard to pinpoint its main cause.
What Are the Signs?
Rosacea has several telling signs. These include facial redness, red bumps (sometimes with pus), and skin irritation. Some people may experience ocular rosacea too. This is when the area around the eyes becomes inflamed and irritated too. In both cases, the condition may feel very uncomfortable and be hard to deal with.
Solutions for Rosacea
At HTB, we offer Photofacial and RF microneedling to ease your rosacea symptoms. Both treatments are effective because they eliminate damaged skin and stimulate collagen production. More collagen means greater healing and renewal for your skin. The best treatment for you will depend on your particular needs. We will assess your skin during your initial consultation and create an effective treatment plan.
Find Relief from Rosacea Here in California
If you’re struggling with redness and irritation, our treatments may be the right option for you. We provide Photofacial and RF microneedling solutions to renew and rejuvenate your look. Schedule an appointment at your nearest HTB location by clicking the button below. If you have any questions or want to book over the phone, give us a call at (760) 274-3160.